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  • yoramlevi6

Australian Senators raise serious Vaccine Issues in Parliament

He recaps the extent to which we have been misled:

  1. Freedom of information documents show there has been a failure to assess the reproductive toxicology of the vaccines;

  2. Documents indicate a failure to assess the impact of micro RNA sequences and related molecular genetic issues on the human body;

  3. Peer-reviewed and published in-vitro research shows gene based vaccine generated spike proteins can migrate into human cell nuclei to disrupt DNA repair mechanisms;

  4. Vaccine derived RNA can be reverse transcribed leading to possible integration into the human genome, which is denied based on what the pharmaceutical companies say.

  5. Internal Pfizer data indicate they accepted 1,272 different adverse vaccine events, including paralysis and death. German and US insurance actuarial data suggests the Australian database of adverse events notifications is under reporting by nine fold. Documents show there are two databases, an official one and one for the public meaning vaccine injury is likely to be significantly higher than reported.

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