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  • yoramlevi6

Covid Vaccines: The Next Vioxx?

"The Israeli survey and the detailed German data paint a very disturbing picture of covid vaccine and booster safety. In particular, it appears that the under-reporting issue in passive reporting systems, such as the US VAERS system, is far more serious than previously assumed and may easily range from a factor of 10 to a factor of 100 or even 1,000.

Overall, it appears that in young and healthy adults and in healthy children, covid vaccines may already have caused far more damage, and deaths, than covid itself. Thus, covid vaccination should likely be restricted to covid high-risk groups, or perhaps even be stopped altogether in favor of state-of-the-art early treatment of high-risk patients.

General covid vaccination of entire populations, and especially forced vaccination of young adults and children (e.g. via “no jab, no job” or “no jab, no school” schemes), may well turn out to be the largest scandal, or indeed crime, of modern medicine."

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