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  • yoramlevi6

danish study shows no benefit to overall mortality from mRNA vaccines

"there are just a dazzling number of questions here that need to be answered.

  • how were drug trials this rigged and slanted and incomplete allowed with a vaccine modality never before used in humans and known to be incredibly dangerous rubber stamped and rushed through?

  • how did regulators and politicians ignore the overall mortality data altogether?

  • how, when the promises of these vaccines stopping spread were near instantly disproven were the results of the trials overall, the approval for these drugs, and the mandates and health hectoring to get jabbed with them not reassessed and ceased? (and yes, they absolutely, unequivocally DID promise that)

  • how did we ignore the safer and apparently more effective choices to zero in on the more dangerous and less beneficial? who made that choice and set those talking points?

  • how did the FDA, CDC, and NIH all become the functional marketing arms for mRNA vaccines to the exclusion of nearly all else to the point where the top vaccine people at FDA quit in disgust?

these astonishing events demand an astonishing reckoning.

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