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Hoelang blijven we dit negeren?

Studies uit meerdere landen laten zien dat gevaccineerden een hogere kans hebben om door Omikron besmet te raken: "The last two weeks have brought three new studies finding negative efficacy for two vaccine doses, meaning the vaccinated are more likely to be infected than the unvaccinated. These are study findings, not raw data, so have been adjusted for various biases and confounders, making it harder to dismiss them as anomalous or skewed [...] Somestudies had already found negative vaccine effectiveness against Delta, in line with the unadjusted figures from the UKHSA, though many people had dismissed these results as anomalous or biased. With Omicron, the reports of negative efficacy are becoming impossible to ignore, with even the UKHSA publishing graphs showing it after three months on two doses. At some point, health authorities are going to need to grapple with what the data is showing on this and stop pretending it isn’t there."

Daarnaast laten de meest recente Britse cijfers ook zien, dat die kans op besmetting een positieve samenhang vertoont met het aantal vaccinaties: hoe meer vaccinaties, hoe hoger de kans op besmetting is. Norman Fenton concludeert: "From table 1b of the recently released ONS survey on the Omicron variant. Of those testing positive with Covid, the probability they have Omicron variant inceases with number of vaxx doses."

Een onderzoek dat in de afgelopen week in het tijdschrift Nature verschenen is, laat zien dat de Omikron-variant sterk resistent is tegen de huidige vaccins: "A striking feature of this variant is the large number of spike mutations3 that pose a threat to the efficacy of current COVID-19 (coronavirus disease 2019) vaccines and antibody therapies4. This concern is amplified by the findings from our study. We found B.1.1.529 to be markedly resistant to neutralization by serum not only from convalescent patients, but also from individuals vaccinated with one of the four widely used COVID-19 vaccines. Even serum from persons vaccinated and boosted with mRNA-based vaccines exhibited substantially diminished neutralizing activity against B.1.1.529. By evaluating a panel of monoclonal antibodies to all known epitope clusters on the spike protein, we noted that the activity of 17 of the 19 antibodies tested were either abolished or impaired, including ones currently authorized or approved for use in patients. In addition, we also identified four new spike mutations (S371L, N440K, G446S, and Q493R) that confer greater antibody resistance to B.1.1.529. The Omicron variant presents a serious threat to many existing COVID-19 vaccines and therapies, compelling the development of new interventions that anticipate the evolutionary trajectory of SARS-CoV-2."

We hebben dus wetenschappelijke theorieën, die het ontstaan van meer resistente varianten als gevolg van vaccinaties voorspellen, we hebben actuele data, die in ieder geval consistent zijn met deze voorspellingen en we hebben een labonderzoek naar de aard van de Omikron-variant, dat de hoge resistentie voor de vaccins kan verklaren. Wat willen we nog meer hebben om deze problematiek serieus te nemen? Moeten onze ziekenhuizen eerst van de vaccinezombies uitpuilen?

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