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  • yoramlevi6

Negatieve effectiviteit zet door...

Meanwhile in Engeland, het favoriete dataland van ons kabinet, de negatieve effectiviteit van vaccins is nu ook in de jongere leeftijdsgroepen te zien: "The 18- to 29-year-olds have now experienced enough antibody fade to fall into negative efficacy, like their elders before them. Comparing these numbers to the Week 49 report, we see that negative effect continues to grow among 30- and 40-year-olds, as their vaccines fade even further [...] Meanwhile, those in their 60s are boosting their way ever closer to positive territory, and things continue to go better for the oldest and most heavily boosted age brackets."

De negatieve effectiviteit bij gevaccineerden betekent dat zij inmiddels een hogere kans op covid-besmetting hebben dan ongevaccineerden. Dit zou erop kunnen wijzen dat de vaccins onze immuniteit negatief beïnvloeden: "While the vaccines don’t work as advertised, they are powerful pharmaceutical products and they have strange, unexpected effects — not only on the bodies of people who take them, but also on the dynamics of transmission and infection."

Geen kattenpis, zou je denken. Misschien een aandachtspunt voor onze boostergrage overheid?

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