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  • yoramlevi6

Open Letter to the JCVI: Pause vaccines for children pending urgent review

"The latest information from the CDC is very worrying, that of 4149 injured children, 100 (2.41%) had a serious adverse event, 15/4149 (0.36%) had increased troponin (12 confirmed to be myocarditis), 12/4149 (0.29%) had seizures, 2/4149 (0.048%) died (being evaluated). This in itself is a reason to review. To clarify, this is 4149 non-serious adverse events and 100 serious adverse events reported in a total of ~8 million doses to this age group which is 1 in 80,000 but we know that VAERS is a gross underestimate. Furthermore, there is increasing evidence of impairment of immune function particularly following multiple doses of vaccine. Israel is now seeing serious illness and death after the fourth vaccine dose. There is also new bio-distribution data showing that mRNA and spike protein, far from being eliminated within a few days, are still persisting for 60 days or more. We have no knowledge of the long-term implications of vaccinating children against what is now acknowledged to be a very mild illness for them, indeed with 50% having no symptoms whatsoever."

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