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The Medical & Ethical Explanation of the Pfizer Data

"As we dive into the Pfizer data, Dr. Payne explains active surveillance versus passive surveillance when reporting adverse events, specific timelines examined, and key information that has been purposely redacted creating more questions than answers. He also discusses what the vaccines were supposed to do, the evidence that demonstrates what they are actually doing, and the potential effects on our innate immune system. We also discuss the possible long-term health effects, which are to a great extent still unknown, and the various vaccine adverse events reporting systems and insurance actuarial data that are continuing to signal that something alarming is going on."

Dr. Julie Ponesse is the Pandemic Ethics Scholar for The Democracy Fund and author of the new book: My Choice: The Ethical Case Against Covid19 Vaccine Mandates. Dr. Ponesse's focus is on educating Canadians about civil liberties.

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